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Oxidation Features of Plastic Deformed Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass

发表日期:2011-07-08Wei Bingchen来源:放大 缩小
The surface morphology of in situ deformed, pre-deformed, undeformed and crystallized Zr47.9Ti0.3Ni3.1Cu39.3Al9.4 bulk metallic glass in air at elevated temperatures are investigated to improve the understanding of the effect of plastic deformation on the oxidation. The plastic deformation is performed through instrumental macroindentation, while could provide a well developed shear offset pattern around the indents at lower temperatures. The oxidation experimental results show that the in situ formed and pre-existed shear bands are more susceptible to oxidation. The plastic deformation region during homogenous deformation has also a significant oxidation sensitivity compared with undeformed material. To clarify the oxidation mechanism of shear band, specimens with surface scratches were also studied. The mechanism for the preferential oxidation of shear bands and of the plastic deformation region is discussed.

This paper was published as:
Hu Z, Li L, Hu YP, Xing JS, Wei BC. Oxidation features of plastic deformed Zr-based bulk metallic glass. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 509():S69-S73(2011)
