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Viscous surface flow induced on Ti-based bulk metallic glass by heavy ion irradiation

发表日期:2017-03-20kun zhang来源:放大 缩小

Ti-based bulk metallic glass was irradiated by a 20 MeV Cl4+ ion beam under liquid-nitrogen cooling, which produced remarkable surface smoothing and roughening that respectively correspond to normal and off-normal incidence angles of irradiation. Atomic force microscopy confirms two types of periodic ripples distributed evenly over the rough glass surface. In terms of mechanism, irradiation-induced viscosity agrees with the theoretical prediction for metallic glasses near glass transition temperature. Here, a model is introduced, based on relaxation of confined viscous flow with a thin liquid-like layer, that explains both surface smoothing and ripple formation. This study demonstrates that bulk metallic glass has high morphological instability and low viscosity under ion irradiation, which assets can pave new paths for metallic glass applications. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.




The authors would like to acknowledge the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51271193, No. 11332011 and No. 51401028).